Dive X Deluxe 3-point Tow Harness
Dive X Deluxe 3-point Tow Harness
To use a Dive Xtras X-Scooter correctly you must have a crotch strap to provide an attachment point for the X-Scooter tow cord.
SKU: # dx-000-901
Price $101.00
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Overview / Product Description
Dive X Deluxe 3-point Tow Harness
Designed for Scootering
To use a Dive Xtras X-Scooter correctly you must have a crotch strap to provide an attachment point for the X-Scooter tow cord.
A lot of technical divers using a backplate system have a crotch strap, however, the common design of these is a single piece of 2in webbing between the legs. This works fine for preventing your equipment from moving around, however, it can be uncomfortable when used as an attachment for a scooter with the thrust of the CUDA
Make Scootering More Comfortable
The Dive Xtras 3 Point Crotch Strap is designed to move the thrust loads away from the crotch area into the legs. This makes long-duration scootering significantly more comfortable. The strap also performs the same duty as a normal crotch strap and prevents your equipment from moving excessively.
This strap can also be used for people whose diving equipment does not come with a crotch strap. If your equipment has a 2” waist strap it can fit directly, If not it can be used with a waist strap similar to a weight belt.
Designed for Scootering
To use a Dive Xtras X-Scooter correctly you must have a crotch strap to provide an attachment point for the X-Scooter tow cord.
A lot of technical divers using a backplate system have a crotch strap, however, the common design of these is a single piece of 2in webbing between the legs. This works fine for preventing your equipment from moving around, however, it can be uncomfortable when used as an attachment for a scooter with the thrust of the CUDA
Make Scootering More Comfortable
The Dive Xtras 3 Point Crotch Strap is designed to move the thrust loads away from the crotch area into the legs. This makes long-duration scootering significantly more comfortable. The strap also performs the same duty as a normal crotch strap and prevents your equipment from moving excessively.
This strap can also be used for people whose diving equipment does not come with a crotch strap. If your equipment has a 2” waist strap it can fit directly, If not it can be used with a waist strap similar to a weight belt.